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Damn Liberals!
Imagine, if you will, that you are Moishe
Rabbeinu. Toirah Tzivah Luhnoo Moishe Moireshess Kehilas Yankif,
You climb up to Har Sinai to meet the
Reboinoisheloilum Panim El Panim, face to face. You are the cloisest... errr...
closest that any human being has ever gotten to Hakadoshboruchu. You receive
the Luchois containing the Aseres HaDubrois, the Two Tablets containing the Ten
Commandments. You then receive the rest of the Toirah -- Toirah SheBiChsav and
Toirah SheBaal Peh -- the Written and the Oral Law, all that was, is and will be.
You now know everything there is to know:
is a kosher animal?
· What
should I do if I spill a spoon full of milk into a beef stew - Is it still
Koisher, or is it Treif like Chazer-Schmaltz on Yoim Kippur?
· Will
synthesized meat -- created in a lab -- have the status of an animal, and therefore
should not be eaten with diary? Or will the synthesized meat have the status of
the vegetables, beans and other non-meat products that are its ingredients, and
therefore be permissible to be eaten with dairy, as long as it is certified bug
free and is served on a plate that has a Hashgacha by a waiter who has been
screened for Shatnez?
Moishe has received a revelation of the
construct of the world of the Divine. He has achieved perfection.
And then, when he descends from the mountain...
Lo and Behold, Klal Yisroel has already strayed from the path of the Aimisheh
and is having wild Tashmish HaMitah parties while smoking Besamim and worshipping
the Eigel HaZahav, the Golden Calf. Even worse – they are eating Triangle K, Rachmuna
Litzlan! And as he comprehends all that he sees, and understands how this all stands
in contrast to the path that he was just shown... he slams the Luchois down and
shatters the Tablets into a thousand pieces and yells out at Klal Yisroel at
the top of his voice, “Reboinoisheloilum-damned
We are living in a world that has been overrun
by Liberals, Yemach Shmum! Here we are, at a moment in history that is not
unlike Klal Yisroel standing at Har Sinai. It is a moment of perfection:
State of Israel has never been stronger. It has a population of eight million
or so, has diplomatic relations with most countries in the world, burgeoning
relationships with many others, including Sunni Arab nations, and has even
hosted this year’s Eurovision
has never been more embraced in all of history. Between Israel, the United
States, and other countries in the world, there are about one million fully
Observant Jews in the world - between Ultra Orthodox Chassidic and Yeshivish
communities, and modern Orthodox. Consequently, there are more Jews engaged in
serious learning in Yeshivas in the different communities than there ever were
in history; not even in the glorious, holy villages and communities in Eastern
Europe in the 19th and early 20th centuries did Klal Yisroel enjoy such
scholarship. And if you include Chabad, The Kabbalah Center, and Jews For
Jesus, the number of learned Jews doubles!
have in the White House the BEST president the US has ever had. EVER. Period.
That is true across the board, and especially with regard to Israel and Jews!
He recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capitol, put pressure on the Palestinians,
cancelled US participation in the Iran deal, recognized Israeli authority in
the Golan Heights, closed the PLO office in DC, expelled the de facto
Palestinian ambassador, and removed the PA from the State Department’s
website. What more can you want? Add
into that tax reform, persecuting... errr... prosecuting immigrants -- illegal
and legal, safeguarding the all-important Second Amendment, stacking the
Supreme Court with Conservatives who will eventually save every fetus in
America - but not ensure that as children and adults they have affordable
access to healthcare, trade wars with China, hostile relations with Western
Europe and Canada, excellent relationships with the leaders of Russia and North
Korea, and the great economy, what more could anyone want? Indeed, I have long
said that President Donald J Trump is the Melech HaMoishiach, and, recently, he
admitted as much, noting “I am the Chosen One”. With that, he went farther than
the Lubavitcher Rebbe in that he actually admitted his cosmic role to the world!
And yet... despite all of this clear,
demonstrable evidence, there are still people, still Jews who question
President Trump SHLITA’s wisdom and Chosenness. Damned Liberals! Why can’t they
admit when they are wrong?
believe that Jews should vote for whomever they believe best serves their and
the country’s interests. And yet, those same Liberals will vote for the
Democratic Party. Do they seek a return to the days of Oibama or Clinton?
Oibama was the founder of Al Quaida, and Clinton only tolerated Jews as long as
they let him deposit Zerah on their blue dresses.
believe in global warming -- that human actions are impacting the global
environment and causing climate spikes that are contributing to natural
disasters. And what makes them believe in Global Warming? Science? I suppose
these same Liberals believe the world is more than six thousand years old, that
vaccines are good for you, and that cigarettes are bad for you! Go find me a
Gemara that agrees with those positions! I guarantee you that no such Gemara
believe that the US should have borders open to all. They point to the US as
being a country of immigrants since its founding. But that is not in fact the
case! North America was given by the Reboinoisheloilum to all current American
citizens! How do you know? Because we run the country! Sure, many of our
parents and grandparents came here as immigrants themselves... but that is
quite different. Should they have been denied access to the US? That would have
been anti-Semitism! However, as long as immigrants are not Jews, it is not
anti-Semitism to deny them access to Our Land, especially if they are from
Shithole Countries (TM).
Rabboisai, how should we deal with the
dangerous phenomenon of Liberals in our midst?
I am reminded of a famous Gemara in Tainis. The
Gemara brings down a Medrish where Rish Lakish was in a bar with Rav Pappa, and
was regaling Rav Pappa with tales of his days as a roadside thief, a “highway
man”. Rish Lakish talked about the time he held up a convoy of wagons and stole
all of the passengers’ jewelry, beat up a driver, and exposed himself to a
wagon full of women.
“You think you are a tough guy. Is that all you
got?” Rav Pappa asked.
“Can you do better, you Mechutziff?” asked Rish
Rav Pappa, who is well known in the Gemara as
being obese, rubbed his bloated belly as he replied. “Son, I may weigh over 350
pounds, yet I fathered ten sons whose names get recited at every Siyum
(Editor’s note: celebration of completing a single or multiple volumes of the
Talmud), and every time someone does that, Ketching!, I earn a licensing fee.
You risked your life to steal pennies, but people constantly pay me money for
reciting my prose, and then thank me for it! So who is the tough guy now?”
Rish Lakish smiled at Rav Pappa and said, “Hey,
fatty! I hope you enjoy spending your money as much as I enjoyed Shtupping your
wife and impregnating her ten times.”
Rabboisai, the Liberals are taking what is
ours! They want our money! They want our guns! They want to dilute our country
with immigrants! They want to kill our fetuses! They want everyone to speak
either Spanish or Canadian, but not English! They want to provide healthcare to
But you know what? Some of these Liberals have
adopted these positions out of sincerity -- LiShma. So we can perhaps overlook
their deep failings of being Liberals. Shoyn.
However, there are red lines that no one should
ever cross.
To quote President Donald J. Trump SHLITA,
Melech HaMashiach, “Any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat—I think it shows
either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty.” And how should we handle
such disloyal Liberals? We personally do not need to do anything. After all, there
are “some very fine people on both sides”. And our side has most of the guns.
Ah Gutten Shabbos, You Menuval
Rabbi Pinky Schmeckelstein
Yeshivas Chipass Emmess
Rabbi Pinky Schmeckelstein
Yeshivas Chipass Emmess