Monday, July 17, 2023

On Hillel and Shammai


I am srry if there are a few misspellngs in this week’s Drasha. I have been busy the last few days paying… ummm… friendly visits to the local Arab villages in the Shoimroin, engaging in… errr… diplomatic outreach to our neighbors and engaging in pro bono remodeling of houses, interior design, auto work, and ummm… medical activities. I have also been engaged in…. errr… editorial work, ripping the pages from Islamic holy books. 

I feel very comfortable doing these activities, as I am following the playbook of the Ukrainian heroes who committed a Pogrom on my grandparents’ Shtetyl in 1902. Those guys really knew how to scare the… ummm… Gedoilim out of people.

I thank the Reboinoisheoilum that the Israeli governing coalition includes Proud Boys…. err… Proud Jews willing to bravely stand up for Israel and its citizens by attacking the homes and cars of random civilians. What a Kiddush HaShem!

We are now subject to the outcry of the self hating left and the hypocritical Americans, as well as the anti-Semitic leftist Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, who ordered the Administrative Detention of a few “sweet boys” from the settlements. Administrative Detention — being held without charges -- is a British Mandatory form of temporary imprisonment used against so-called-Palestinians, not against the citizens of the State of Israel! What do they think: That we are Jews in Eastern Europe? That we are Indians under British rule? That we are the residents of the planet Tatooine living under the rule of the Galactic Empire?

Throughout Jewish history Jews have celebrated acts of violence. 

Every year we recall Shimon and Levy committing a massacre in Shchem. All of Klal Yisroel celebrate the drowning of the Mitzrim in the Yam Suf — while getting inebriated and spilling Kneidlach on your Tashmish Hamitah-ing brother-in-law who won’t stop asking Klutzkashes all night while you are desperate to get on with the meal after smoking some Bsomim while everyone else was busy singing every. single. verse. of Dayenu.

What are we commanded to do to Amalek — Timcheh Ess Zaycher Amalek or Timcheh Ess Zecher Amalek? Which one is it? Yushka Pandra! We want to kill Amalek so badly we say it in twice - just in case the Reboinoisheloilum is not as smart as we think He is.

And then, of course, we have the conquest of Eretz Yisroel. We are commanded to commit extensive acts of violence against Cana’an and the various nations. 

Why did Shaul lose the Meluchah - the monarchy of Israel? Because he was not brutal enough. What activity spread the fame of David HaMelech prior to his becoming King of the United Kingdom? How was the future leader of the United Monarchy celebrated by Klal Yisroel? As a man of Hakadoishboruchhu? As David Ben Yishai, Avedecha Meshichechah, the present and future Messiah? As a spectacular musician trending on Spotify? No! He was celebrated for being a man of violence:

“VaTa’anena HaNashim HaMesachaKois VaToimarna, ‘HeeKah Sha’ul Ba’Alaphuv, V’Duvid B’Rivoisuv’.” (Shmuel Aleph, Perek Yud Chess, Pasook Zayin)

“The women danced and sang, chanting ‘Shaul kills by the thousands, and David kills by the tens of thousands’.” (Samuel 1, Chapter 18, Verse 7)

We are a people who sing about violence and the spilling of blood! Three thousand years ago the predecessors of our grandmothers were cheering on the brutality of King David by handing out pastries to hungry villagers, passing out candies to little children, and taking out their false teeth and providing “in-kind” services to soldiers returning from war and to needy town elders.  

And yet… I am embarrassed to admit that there are many self-hating Jews who oppose using force, whose defeatism has left us in a fragile state. They have forgotten what it means to be a Jew!

Take Avraham Avinu for example. The Aibishter sends messengers to tell him that He plans to destroy Sodom and kill all the Sodomites. And what does Avraham do? Does he volunteer to go and kill Sodomites himself? Does he offer to level the homes of the Sodomites and in their place bring in caravans, automatic weapons, electricity, and a Mikvah? Does he start marching with billboards that say, “A Good Sodomite is a Dead Sodomite”? No! Avraham Avinu negotiates with the Reboinoisheloilum to spare their lives. What the Tashmish HaMitah?!

“VaYoimer Hakadoishboruchhu, Za’akas Sdoim V’Amoirah Kee Rubbuh Ve’Chatoisum Kee Chuvhuh Me’oid.” (Beraishis Perek Yud Chess, Pasook Chuff) “VaYigash Avraham VaYoimar, Ha’af Tispeh Tzadick Im Rasha?” (Pasook Chuff Gimmul)

“Ooly Yaish Chamishim Tzadikim BeSoich Ha’Ir…” (Pasook Chuff Daled “…Ooly Yimtza’un Shuhm Arba’im…” (Pasook Chuff Tess) “…Ooly Yimtza’un Shuhm Shloishim…” (Pasook Lammid) “…Ooly Yimtza’un Shuhm Essrim…” (Pasook Lammid Aliph) “…Ooly Yimtza’un Shuhm Esser’…” (Pasook Lammid Beiz)

Shocking, I know. For you AmHaratzim, here it is in English:

“And the Reboinoisheloilum said, ‘the outburst of Sedoim and Amoirah is soi… errr… so great, and their sins are very severe’.” (Genesis Chapter 18, Verse 20) “And Avraham came forward and asked, ‘will you destroy the righteous along with the evildoers?’” (Verse 23)

“Perhaps there are fifty righteous people within the city.” (Chapter 18, Verse 24) “…perhaps there are forty…” (Verse 29) “…perhaps there are thirty…” (Verse 30) “…perhaps there are twenty…” (Verse 31) “…perhaps there are ten…” (Verse 32)

Oh my Hakadoishboruchhu! Did Avraham Avinu lose his mind? Does he not know what it means to be a self respecting Jew? Was he smoking too much hookah in the cool desert evenings?

CHAZAL of course address this very question. A beautiful Gemara in Tainiss tells of a Machloikess on the topic of Avraham Avinu’s motive in negotiating to prevent the destruction of Sodom. According to Rish Lakish, Avraham was a self-hating leftist and a traitor to his nation. Asks Rish Lakish, “You issued a message about saving Sodomites? Who do you think you are? The Wagner Group?”

But Rav Yoichanan disagrees. He suggests that Avraham Avinu tried to save Sodom because he owned a large apartment there that he frequently visited, accompanied by his Man-Servant. As proof he notes that Avraham frequently insists that Damesek Eliezer put his hand “under my thigh”, and cites a Medrish that says that Eliezer began his career as an exotic dancer at a club in Sodom under the stage name “Domestic Eliezer” before Avraham won him at an auction, and they were inseparable ever after.

The Gemara also cites an unnamed Mahn D’Umar who suggests that Avraham was sincere in trying to prevent bloodshed. But as not to embarrass the self hating Amoira who made that idiotic and naive suggestion, the Gemara kept him anonymous. (I personally think that the Amoira should have been named, and that he and his family should have been sent death threats. But Ravina and Rav Ashi, the editors of the Talmud, clearly were also leftists.)

Yankif Avinu is another one of our so-called “forefathers” who was a leftist and a self hating Jew. In the incident with Shchem, it was Shmoin and Levy who were Proud Jews, while Yankif himself opposed the violence. He tells his sons, “Achartem Oisee L’Havishaynee B’Yoisaiv Ha’aretz, BeCana’ani U’VaPreezee, V’Ani M’say Mispar V’Ne’esfu A’laiy V’Heekoonee V’Nishmadtee Ani OoVaysee”. (Beraishis, Perak Lamed Daled, Pasook Lamed) “You have made trouble for me and made me hated among the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites and the Perizzi; and I am few in number, and they will unite against me and attack me, and I and my household will be destroyed.” (Genesis, Chapter 34, Verse 30)

Who the Gehennim does Yankif Avinu think he is? Benny Gantz or Ahmed Tibi? Just because Yankif is the father of the twelve Shvatim, the twelve tribes, and is the person who the nation of Israel is named for, that does not give him the right to express his defeatist, left-wing opinion. Concessions to Shchem one day will lead to concessions in Be’er Sheva the next day, and who knows where else. Lakewood could be next!

Is Yankif Avinu really worried about the destruction of his family? Does he not believe that the Aibishter will protect him? Does he not have Bitachoin? (Note: That means “faith”, not ‘Bitcoin”.) Yankif Avinu is clearly a card carrying atheist in addition to being a leftist.

But the worst is Moishe Rabbeinu. Seriously, I do not know why the Reboinoisheloilum chose such a Nebach to lead Klal Yisroel. I mean, sure, he got off to a good start by killing that Mitzri, but it went downhill from there. How many times does he plead with Hakadoishboruchhu for the lives of Klal Yisroel? After the Cheyt HaEigel, after the Cheyt HaMeraglim, Ich Vais how many more times... I say, “They sinned? Let ‘em die!”

By the way, I’m surprised that the Aibishter could even understand him through that horrible speech defect.

But can you imagine, standing before Klal Yisroel on the cusp of entering Eretz Yisroel, and he commands Klal Yisroel to seek peace?  “Kee Sikrav El Ir Le’Hilachaym Alehah Vakarasa Aylehah LeShaloim.” (Devarim, Perek Chuff, Pasook Yud) “When you approach a city to attack it, you shall offer it terms of peace.” (Deuteronomy, Chapter 20, Verse 10) Of course, this did not apply to the Seven Nations. But still - Peace?!?!

It’s no wonder that Moishe Rabbeinu was not allowed to enter into Eretz Yisroel. He would have pursued a policy of national suicide.

Sadly, there were others. There’s a good reason why we skipped over NACH in Yeshiva. 

David HaMelech, when he wasn’t killing Phillistines, was fighting alongside them. Shloimoi HaMelech made peace with many surrounding nations, and even gave away territory to another nation, though in his case he was not a self-hating leftist, Chass V’Sholom, but a pervert who aspired to add the daughter of every head of state he met to his harem. Meileh, some people collect stamps…

And do not get me started on this so-called Yeshayahu HaNavi. This self hating left wing pacifist causes us so much aggravation to this day. Wolf lying with the lamb? Are they kidding? The next thing they’re going to say is that there are more than two genders!


Klal Yisrael has forgotten what it is to be Proud Jews. Do you know who I blame? The Reboinoisheloilam Himself. He dictated the Toirah to Moishe Rabbeinu on Sinai, and not a letter was added or taken away according to Rabbi Akiva. So why exactly did He write: 

“VeGair Loi Sichatz V’Atem Yedatem Es Nefesh HaGair, Kee Gairim Heyeesem B’Eretz Mitrayim.” (Shmois, Perek Chuff Gimmul, Pasook Tess)

“Do not oppress a stranger, for you know the soul of the stranger, for you yourselves were strangers in the land of Egypt.” (Exodus, Chapter 23, Verse 9)

Rabboisai, this one Pasook is bad enough. But the Aibishter does not stop there. There are multiple similar Psukim in Shmois, Vayikra, and Devarim! And there are similar references elsewhere in TANACH. What the Tashmish HaMitah is Hakadoishboruchhu’s problem? I only wish that He loved Klal Yisroel as much as He loves “the stranger”; maybe He would persecute us a bit less.


Rabboisai, how did Klal Yisroel get so many self-hating leftists? OK, some may have been inspired by self-haters like Avraham, Yankif and others, and took them seriously. Some may have read the Reboinoisheloilum’s leftist propaganda and taken it literally. 

But we are surrounded by enemies. We are targeted by enemies. If they commit terror, should we not do the same?

There is a famous quote in the Gemara, “Leoilum Yehei Adam Anvatan KeHillel, V’Al Yehei Kapdan KeShammai”, “A person should always be moderate/ modest/ patient (×¢ַ× ְוְותָן) like Hillel and not impulsive/ short-tempered/ impatient (קַפְּדָן) like Shammai.” (Shabbos, Daf Lamed Amud Baiz, Shabbat, Page 30, Side B)

I would suggest that our left wing self haters hold like Hillel, who also famously described the essence of Kol HaToirah, all the Toirah, as distilled while standing on one foot, “That which is hateful to you do not do to another; that is the entire Torah, and the rest is commentary. Go study.” (Shabbos, Daf Lamed Aleph Amud Alepg, Shabbat, Page 31, Side A)

I imagine that our left wing self haters would suggest that Israel, as the sovereign entity, is entitled to engage in State mandated military and police operations, but is also responsible that such actions be mandated by the elected authorities, not random Israeli actors. Even in the early days of the fragile State of Israel, the retaliatory strikes led by Arik Sharon and many others were ultimately acts of the State, not random actors.

Perhaps our left wing self haters will suggest that Israel and the Palestinians are fated to live side by side - wherever the border is and whoever is in control. Perhaps our left wing self haters might also suggest that our ancestors were persecuted through random acts of violence, so in our own State we want to reflect the values that we aspire to.

Perhaps our left wing self haters will quote Rav Mosheh Lichtenstein, the co-leader of Yeshivat Har Etzion, as describing the recent events as “acts of revenge by lost and misbegotten souls” that are “a moral stain that taints us all”. (

But, unlike these left wing self haters, I do not hold like Hillel. I hold like Shammai who famously said, “Whoever stands by a just cause cannot possibly be called a terrorist”.

No, wait. That wasn’t Shammai. That was Arafat.

Never mind.

Ah Gutten Shabbos You Minuval


Rabbi Pinky Schmeckelstein


Yeshivas Chipass Emmess

