Friday, August 06, 2010

You Tube Channel: Amitnira


I would like top draw your attention to a You Tube channel featuring weekly drashois very much in the spirit of Yeshivas Chipass Emmess:

The drashois are delivered in Hebrew by a Rebbetzin who is well schooled in the areas of Toirah, Yiddishkeit, religious anthropology, and sarcasm.

Please study these drashois all weekend. There may be a pop quiz next week.



OTD said...

>Please study these drashois all weekend. There may be a pop quiz next week.

If the quiz is on Shabos Koidesh, do we get to give the rebbe malkos?

Undercover Kofer said...

How long will it take for you to finally post some video mussar shmoozes of your bashert Faiga Breina dressed in lingerie only?

Rabbi Pinky Schmeckelstein said...

Sorry, my Bashert is too busy teaching in Bas Yankif, working in the Mikvah, and working the overnight shift in 7-11 to make a video.

Undercover Kofer said...

OK, at least machshava nechsheves kemaaseh! :P